Stormwater Drainage Pond Restoration
Call Cascade Utilities at 425-861-8787 to discuss how we can help you with your project.
Cities and municipalities will send out letters to homeowner or neighborhood associates giving them notice that their stormwater drainage pond needs to be cleaned out and restored, or that their undergound vault needs to be cleaned out.
The restoration process ideally begins with a review of the original pond plans showing the original depth of the pond and the drainage system. Plants and muck need to be removed and hauled away, while also preventing these materials from entering the drainage system.
For underground vaults, those can usually be pumped out by a vacuum pump-truck company, and we are happy to make a referral for one directly. They will charge you for travel time from their facility, the operator and truck, hauling/disposal fees, and fuel.
The outfall drain for a stormwater pond showing the overgrowth of plants.
Another overflow drain leading to the pond, overgrown with ivy.
After cleanout of muck and plants.
Fresh drainage rock installed to prohibit growth of plants.